demonstrate" the payouts over, say, the next 30 years.每个CDO的销售均以其自身的推测为基础——而此处将用到一些对未来30年中利率以及反映偿付情况的违约率的中心假设。But before this happens Chinese and Indian buyers - like the Japanese before them - will have to demonstrate an interest in art from beyond their own regions.但在此之前,中国和印度的买家必须展示出对于本地区以外艺术品的兴趣——就像他们之前的日本买家一样。Visiting campus isn't mandatory, but if you have the time and financial means, a visit is a great way to get a feel for the school and demonstrate your interest in the program.计划在秋季去参观校园。参观校园不是强制性的,但是如果你有时间和金钱,一次小小的参观是让你感受校园并且展示你对申请项目兴趣的很好途径。。demonstrate interest相关词组,demonstrate interest是什么意思,demonstrate interest的用法,demonstrate interest的意思,demonstrate interest的例句,demonstrate interest的中文意思,demonstrate interest用法及例句等信息,希望对您的学习有所帮助!" />
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Each CDO would be sold on the basis of its own scenario, using central assumptions about the future of interest rates and defaults to "demonstrate" the payouts over, say, the next 30 years.


But before this happens Chinese and Indian buyers - like the Japanese before them - will have to demonstrate an interest in art from beyond their own regions.


Visiting campus isn't mandatory, but if you have the time and financial means, a visit is a great way to get a feel for the school and demonstrate your interest in the program.


"demonstrate interest"的基本信息





